ग्रहण करना
ग्रहण करना
= TAKEउदाहरण : क्योंकि वे जोखिम ग्रहण करना चाहते हैंUsage : because they want to take risks
ग्रहण करना
= OCCUPYUsage : The books occupy the entire shelf.
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= INTAKEUsage : the institute has an intake capacity of about 200 trainees per year.
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= RECEIVEUsage : It will be a delight to receive you again in New Delhi.
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= ADOPTउदाहरण : किसी विषय पर विचार के लिए ग्रहण करनाUsage : she adopted a child .
ग्रहण करना
= PARTAKEUsage : She decided to partake in the community event.
ग्रहण करना
= ABSORBउदाहरण : उसने एक न्यूनतमवादी जीवन शैली को ग्रहण करना का निर्णय लिया।Usage : dry sand absorbs water.
ग्रहण करना
= FASTEN ONTOUsage : the engineer fastened onto the safety harness before jumping out of the plane.
ग्रहण करना
= ESPOUSEUsage : She decided to espouse a minimalist lifestyle.
ग्रहण करना
= SEIZEUsage : the sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter
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= DRAWUsage : the game ended in a draw
ग्रहण करना
= TAKE UPUsage : take up a matter for consideration
ग्रहण करना
= OUTSHINEUsage : girls outshone boys in the cbse class 12 results declared on sunday
ग्रहण करना
= ENTERTAINUsage : he entertained the notion of moving to south america
ग्रहण करना
= SNATCHUsage : overheard snatches of their conversation
ग्रहण करना
= ACCEPTUsage : i cannot accept the dogma of this church
ग्रहण करना
= ECLIPSEUsage : an eclipse is a rare phenomenon.